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Volume G: Introduction and methodological principles

Volume G describes the approaches for an analysis of critical business processes, for the design of high-availability IT services and for IT control based on maturity models.

The description of the target groups and assignment can be found after the table.

Brief descriptionTarget gr.
G 1 EinführungZAs one sub-aspect of reliability, availability is based on the professionalisation of IT service management. An overview of a methodological approach to IT control and IT service management is described; this is based on the generic process models ITL and CobiT. A listing of the underlying standards is provided as a supplement.D/S/E
G 2 DefinitionenTTo improve understanding, methods for the quantitative measurement of availability and for the qualitative evaluation of reliability are described.S/E
G 3 IT-SteuerungZIT governance requires a consistent goal orientation and monitoring of goal achievement. Potential analysis on the basis of maturity models becomes a central control mechanism for IT service management and IT processes. In addition, the potential for optimisation with regard to increasing reliability is identified.L
G 4 Phase SSDescribes the process of determining the requirements from the business processes and for identifying critical business processes and defines the requirement quality for the reliability of services.G/D
G 5 Phase ISDescribes the methodology for potential analysis for determining the provided service quality and for analysing the service potential. The assessment used for analysis evaluates the potential of the technical and organisational architecture pillar.S
G 6 Phase MSProvides instructions for orientating IT services on the basis of the business process requirements. Defines target criteria for service management and represents these as a model in a process layer and component layer. In addition, methods for optimising service potential and for residual risk analysis are described.D/S/E
G 7 HV-PrinzipienSPresents ten defining principles for increasing availability and reliability (e.g. redundancy principle) and derives characteristics for evaluating potential.D/S/E
G 8 Service-ModellSPresents service architectures as a composition of component models and process models.D/S/E


ZRelationshipsRecommended for an overview
TTheoryTheoretical principles
MMethodologyMethodology background information
P1Practice 1Practice background information
P2Practice 2Instruments, practical application
P3Practice 3Operative implementation in practice

Target groups

AbbreviationTarget group
LGovernance level/management level
GBusiness process manager/designer
SService manager