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HA Benchmark Compact

The HA Benchmark Compact is a procedure that primarily measures and evaluates the IT security of a data centre. It is an extract from the HA Benchmark (full version).

The HA Benchmark is based on 94 particularly relevant aspects, called indicators, and considers the reliability of an IT service or a data centre. These are measured and evaluated using maturity models. By contrast, the HA Benchmark Compact primarily considers IT security and uses 34 indicators from the HA Benchmark (full version). In addition, the compact version uses a slightly modified methodology compared to the full version, with added auditing elements.

The target group for the HA Benchmark Compact, as well as the HA Benchmark, may include operators of data centres that wish to complete a self-assessment.

Within the Federal Administration, the HA Benchmark Compact is used to determine the IT security level of data centres.

For the Federal Administration, minimum values for the indicators of the HA Benchmark Compact have been defined. A minimum standard has been drawn up on this basis.

(documents as PDF: HABc, HABc in English version to be added/linked)