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The conceptual and analytical tool for surveys (Konzeptions- und Auswertungs-Tool für Erhebungen--KATE)

The conceptual and analytical tool for surveys (Konzeptions- und Auswertungs-Tool für Erhebungen--KATE)

The conceptual and analytical tool for surveys (Konzeptions- und Auswertungs-Tool für Erhebungen--KATE) is an Excel-based work tool that enables both simple and complex surveys to be designed and analysed quickly and cost-effectively.

KATE provides users with a partially automated, menu-guided Excel environment for the fundamental processes and functions of a survey (see Figure: Process phases).

KATE offers two ways to design a survey.
Firstly, it offers users to the option to implement surveys on the basis of the CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration), also known as the maturity model, and represent them graphically. Secondly, it is possible to design surveys flexibly on the basis of a personalised model with personalised possible answers.

Fundamental process phases of a survey with the KATE work tool:

Grundlegende Ablaufphasen einer Erhebung mit der Arbeitshilfe KATE (Picture has long description)
Abbildung: Ablaufphasen

Design phase:

Using the tool, users can easily create a diverse range of questions and possible answers via a user interface. The application can then generate the survey form automatically.

Survey phase:

The user distributes the generated survey form to the participants in the survey. The participants complete the survey, which is then collected. The completed survey forms can then be read in automatically.

Analysis phase:

Once the results of the survey have been read in, they can be displayed graphically in the tool (in some cases automatically) and analysed using Excel functions. It is also possible to export the results for further processing.

Version 2.0 of KATE is based on Microsoft Excel 2013 and is compatible with Excel 2010 onwards. KATE can be used without any in-depth knowledge of Excel-/VBA. It contains macros (VBA) to implement various functions. However, no macros are required for processing or for filling in the survey forms generated by KATE.

The VBA macros have been signed with the certificate of the BSI Security Consulting unit.

Execution of macros may be prohibited by organisational guidelines in your institution. In this case, please contact your Chief Information Security Officer or IT support so that the certificate of the BSI Security Consulting unit is embedded and it is possible to execute the signed macros

The licence-free tool is provided by the Security Consulting unit free of charge. It can therefore be modified, expanded and adapted to your needs.
The BSI Security Consulting unit welcomes feedback and suggested improvements to help develop the tool in line with needs.

Note: The password for worksheet protection is "BSI".

Download Version 2.0 of the conceptual and analytical tool for surveys (Konzeptions- und Auswertungs-Tool für Erhebungen--KATE) and the corresponding user manual here:

Arbeitshilfe "Konzeptions- und Auswertungs-Tool für Erhebungen (KATE)"; Version: 2.0

Benutzerhandbuch "Konzeptions- und Auswertungs-Tool für Erhebungen (KATE)"; Version: 2.0

Previous versions

You can download the previous version for Excel 2003 onwards, Version 1.74a, here:

Arbeitshilfe "Konzeptions- und Auswertungs-Tool für Erhebungen (KATE)"; Version: 1.74a

Benutzerhandbuch "Konzeptions- und Auswertungs-Tool für Erhebungen (KATE)"; Version: 1.3