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Qualification in the Cyber Security Network

Information about the training concept

The training concept in question provides a framework for qualifying digital first-aiders and incident experts, along with quality requirements for auditors and trainers. The basic training course is designed to teach a first-aid programme that enables participants to provide basic support. Digital first-aiders can learn this first-aid programme by attending an online course or by studying the "Leitfaden zur Reaktion auf IT-Vorfälle für Digitale Ersthelfer" [Guide to Responding to IT Incidents for Digital First-aiders] on their own. You can register with the cyber security network via the registration and information portal (MIP). Once registered, digital first-aiders receive a first-aid package to aid their work in the Cyber Security Network.

Darstellung der Qualifizierungsmöglichkeiten im Cyber-Sicherheitsnetzwerkes
Qualifizierungsmöglichkeiten im CSN

There is also a three-day advanced training course in which qualified trainers teach incident experts about additional aspects of incident handling.

Here, trainers and training providers are to design their own advanced training courses for incident experts based on the content defined in the curriculum. This standardised training serves as a broad foundation for providing a qualification programme to incident experts.

The providers within this programme may include associations, universities or IT/information security training providers. These organisations train digital first-aiders, members, and students (as well as company employees) on how to best support the parties concerned when handling incidents within the Cyber Security Network.

A list is currently being drawn up of all those registered with the Cyber Security Network as providers of advanced training courses for incident experts.

The Cyber Security Network is taking advantage of the snowball effect in its efforts to train as many incident experts as possible from different fields. The idea is to furnish Germany with an extensive network of incident experts within a very short time frame.

The qualification training programme is based on a curriculum whose subject areas are presented in the "Leitfaden zur Reaktion auf IT-Vorfällen- für Vorfall-Experten" [Guide to Responding to IT Incidents for Incident Experts]. The Cyber Security Network also supplies training providers with a package that contains a number of initial suggestions for practical exercises. The organisational framework conditions to bear in mind when designing an advanced training course are defined in the "Leitfaden für Trainer und Schulungsanbieter" [Guide for Trainers and Training Providers].

Providers of advanced training courses

An information package for training providers is available on request.

If you are interested in providing an advanced training course for the Cyber Security Network, please contact the Cyber Security Network via e-mail.