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Basic Course for Qualification as a 'Digital First-Aider'

A basic course is available for those who wish to qualify as a digital first-aider. It is offered by the BSI as a free online course. The “Leitfaden zur Reaktion auf IT-Sicherheitsvorfälle für Digitale Ersthelfer” [Guide to Responding to IT Security Incidents for Digital First-aiders] is provided as supplementary material. The content of the basic course is based on the technical equipment and the level of knowledge of SMEs and citizens that need to consult digital first-aiders in the context of their work in the Cyber Security Network.

What are the tasks of a digital first-aider?

Digital first-aiders are tasked with providing qualified assessments of IT security incidents, offering initial support to parties affected by minor IT disruptions and IT incidents and recommending the first actions they should take. An affected party can contact a digital first-aider by telephone or e-mail during their service hours in the CSN, which they may offer on a voluntary basis. The digital first-aider can then provide the appropriate support.

Digital first-aiders generally do not offer on-site service. Instead, they provide first aid primarily over the telephone, or in individual cases by e-mail (or other digital communication channels). In principle, digital first-aiders attempt to analyse the IT security incident at hand and, if possible, solve it with minimal effort within a reasonable period of time.

The “Leitfaden zur Reaktion auf IT-Sicherheitsvorfälle für Digitale Ersthelfer” [Guide to Responding to IT Security Incidents for Digital First-aiders] helps them analyse the incident and recommend actions. However, digital first-aiders still act independently according to their own judgement. If the incident cannot be resolved through an initial discussion with a reasonable level of effort, the digital first-aider may recommend that the incident be passed on to an incident expert or an IT security service provider with a team of incident experts for further analysis and resolution.

A digital first-aider can be any person of adult age or any company based in Germany that wishes to offer their knowledge and expertise to others on a voluntary basis. They may be students or IT-savvy citizens, for example, or IT service providers or computer companies. They help those affected by IT disruptions or IT security incidents by providing a qualified assessment of the problem and providing recommendations for specific actions in the event of minor IT issues.

Why become a digital first-aider?

There are many different reasons to become a digital first-aider. Besides the opportunity to help others in emergency situations, the role comes with additional benefits. These include the chance to obtain personal qualifications and find out more about your own skills – in communicating with various types of people, for example, or describing complex issues. In addition, there is the opportunity to network with like-minded people at regional forums, where you can share your knowledge and experiences and benefit from those of other digital first-aiders and incident experts. And finally, a training kit specially designed for the Cyber Security Network offers a fun way to expand your own expertise.

How is the basic course structured?

The content of the basic course is based on the “Leitfaden zur Reaktion auf IT-Sicherheitsvorfälle für Digitale Ersthelfer” [Guide to Responding to IT Security Incidents for Digital First-aiders]. The course itself comprises three modules, which are divided into five videos that last 20–30 minutes and cover specific topics.

The basic course starts with the fundamental principles of the CSN and how it works. It then looks at how to handle different IT disruptions and IT security incidents. Finally, it discusses the fundamental principles of service-oriented telephone conversations when working as a digital first-aider.

After each video (with the exception of module 1.1), there is the chance to review and consolidate what you have learned by taking a self-test. Each of the questions relates to the topic just covered.

At the end of this online course, participants can generate and print out a training certificate themselves. Registration with the cyber security network takes place via the registration and information portal (MIP). After successful registration, every digital first aider receives a first aid package.