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Research and development for test infrastructures and studies in the 5G/6G backbone area

Main topic 1

The thematic focus includes two areas, for research and development projects in the 5G/6G backbone area, ideally with a focus on software-defined networking (SDN):

1a: Test infrastructures for research and research-related development

Funding is provided for test infrastructures in the area of the backbone architecture of 5G/6G networks that serve research and research-related development. Particular support will be provided for the development of overarching test infrastructures in collaborative projects. Actors should be able to network better via these infrastructures.

1b: Research and development projects related to the security of 5G/6G backbone components and networks

Investigations that shed light on security aspects in the 5G/6G area are also funded. These can be investigations of individual components as well as of networks as a whole. In the research and development projects or also in the feasibility studies of this priority area, attack possibilities and security strategies are to be analysed, tested, developed and evaluated. For this purpose, existing test networks can be further developed or new test networks can be established. The research can thus cover new aspects or deal with known aspects in greater depth.

The following institutions can submit an application: Commercial enterprises, municipalities and municipal associations, associations, non-profit organisations, higher education institutions, universities as well as public and non-public research institutions. In the case of collaborative projects, at least one collaborative partner must be a non-profit organisation, a university or non-university research institution, a university or a higher education institution.

Contact person on technical issues

Dominik Hensel