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Cyber security and digital sovereignty in communication technologies 5G/6G

The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) funds research and development projects in the field of digital sovereignty and cyber security for 5G/6G communication technology. As the implementing agency, the BSI implements the funding programme for the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Home Affairs (BMI).

The funding programme strengthens the innovative power of companies, promotes Germany's digital sovereignty and contributes to Germany's leading role as a technology provider in 5G and 6G at the global level.

The funded projects support the following overarching objectives:

  • Strengthen national operator and manufacturer ecosystems for modern network technologies in the context of IT security,
  • Develop and test modern grid technologies to strengthen resilience and increase grid security,
  • Reduce market entry barriers for modern and secure network technologies,
  • minimize risks for the use of modern network technologies and close security gaps, and
  • identify and establish secure use cases for modern network technologies in digitalization to strengthen IT security.

The programme is aimed at commercial enterprises (e.g. network operators, campus network operators, manufacturing companies, integrators, consulting and training companies), municipalities, higher education institutions and non-university educational and research institutions. Thematic priority 5 below focuses on the promotion of young companies and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The funding programme is based on the following 5 thematic priorities:

  1. promotion of test infrastructures and studies in the 5G/6G backbone area.
  2. funding of research and development projects on cyber security in 5G/6G digitalisation fields (usage scenarios)
  3. funding of research and development projects for the establishment of 5G/6G testing and certification bodies
  4. funding of research and development projects on the security and resilience of 5G/6G technologies and infrastructures
  5. funding of research and development projects of start-ups and SMEs in the field of 5G/6G network security and Open RAN

Subject to the budget situation, a total of up to € 60 million is available for funding.
The projects that received a positive vote in the first funding call in June will start on 01.01.2023.

Timeline for the second funding call

04.10.2022 Launch of call for proposals
14.10.2022 Expression of interest (registration and invitation)
17.10.2022 Virtual matchmaking for project pitch
20.10.2022 Workshop for interested applicants
02.12.2022 Submission of proposals
01.03.2023 Submission of applications
01.06.2023 Start of projects

The selection of projects

The projects will be selected in a two-stage process. In the first step, all outlines submitted by 02.12.2022 will be reviewed. They will be examined and evaluated in terms of form and content for suitability to the respective thematic priorities. After the evaluation process, the consortia that submitted the most promising outlines will be invited to submit formal full proposals at the end of January. These proposals must be submitted both via the federal government's "easy-Online" portal and by post by 01.03.2023.

The application process in detail

Who can submit applications?

  • Consortia that have submitted outlines and have been invited to submit proposals after evaluation and selection.
  • After the call for proposals, all project partners involved in the selected consortia submit their own project proposal.

What conditions must be met?

  • The consortium has been invited by the project management organisation and the BSI to submit an application.
  • All necessary documents must be submitted by the deadline of 01.03.2023 (12:00 Uhr).

The consortia entitled to submit applications will be informed about the procedure and relevant links and documents during the applicant counselling session.


DLR Projektträger:BSI:

Contact person, especially for technical questions on the topic of cyber security:
Dr Fabienne Eigner
Phone: +49 228 3821-1297

Contact person, especially for technical questions on the topic of 5G/6G communication technologies:
Dr Sabine Hemmerling
Telefon: +49 30 67055-736

Contact person for administrative questions:
Enrico Moch
Phone: +49 228 3821-2705

Hotline beim Projektträger für Cyber-Sicherheit und 5G/6G-Kommunikationstechnologien
Telefon: +49 2283821-2169

Contact person, KoPa45 project management:
Anke Ochsenreither

Contact person on technical issues:
Jörg Andreas

PT Outline Links


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