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Research and development on cyber security in 5G/6G digitisation fields (usage scenarios)

Main topic 2

In this thematic priority, research and development projects are funded that consider sustainably secure IoT applications for smart cities - i.e. primarily for municipal IoT infrastructures, for securing supply chains or traffic analyses for the transport of people and goods.

The prerequisite is the use of modern mobile radio infrastructures from the 5G/6G range as well as the development of marketable solutions and/or their sustainable implementation to strengthen cyber security.

Companies in the commercial sector and public or municipal companies, municipalities and municipal associations as well as public and non-public research institutions are eligible to apply for this thematic priority. Individual actors are only eligible to apply under certain conditions. In the area of municipal IoT infrastructures, universities and research and educational institutions are only eligible to apply in association with companies and municipalities or municipal associations. In the area of traffic analysis, universities and research and educational institutions are only eligible to apply in association with companies.

Contact person on technical issues

Kilian Mitterweger

Link to PT-Outline