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Benefits and challenges of 5G

Private 5G networks offer a number of advantages over traditional wireless network technologies and previous generations of mobile phones, particularly in terms of network reliability and availability, but also in terms of the security of the data processed in them, in terms of maintaining confidentiality and integrity. Some of these benefits are listed below. This list is not exhaustive.

Advantages of private 5G networks

1. Access of end devices to antenna is no longer random (as with WIFI), but fixed (with bandwidth, data throughput) and guaranteed.

2. Up to 10 times higher data transmission rate than via LTE.

3. Data packets are transmitted to end devices within fixed time periods (low latency). This also enables time-critical applications to be carried out via a private 5G network.

4. End devices in the network can be assured of different quality parameters such as latency, transmission speeds and bandwidths by means of network slicing.

5. The network can be optimised to the requirements of the quality of data transmission, e.g. low or no packet losses vs. high transmission speeds.

6. Seamless switching of devices between radio cells (different radio units) is uncomplicated.

7. Very high ranges (up to 3 km have been tested) at high transmission powers.

8. 5G does not share frequencies with other applications.

9. Licensing procedure of the Federal Network Agency with binding of the licences to fixed locations prevents mutual interference from other networks and overlaps are limited to a few peripheral areas.

10. 5G technology comes with modern security measures. These are considered particularly reliable compared to older mobile phone versions (4G LTE/3G).

11. High subscriber density, up to one million devices can communicate with each other in an area of one square kilometre in the network without a drop in performance.

12. Strengthening flexibility in the production process as robots, machines and other equipment become more "mobile" in a production hall.

Organisational challenges of private 5G networks

1. Private 5G networks must be licensed with the Bundesnetzagentur, which incurs licensing costs. A justified application must be submitted for licensing.

2. The licences are issued for a fixed area on which the network may be operated. The applicant must have control over this area. A quick relocation of the network to a non-licensed location is not possible.

3. In principle, there can only be one licensee per territory.

4. The installation and operation of a private 5G network is complex and technically demanding, which requires corresponding expertise in IT technology and mobile communications technology, especially if parts of the tasks are not to be carried out by an external service provider.

5. The investment costs are significantly higher compared to conventional wireless solutions. Special hardware is required. The number of manufacturers of corresponding technology is small.