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Modern telecommunications infrastructure (5G and 6G)

5G is the current generation of mobile networks. It is used for public mobile communications and is also increasingly used by enterprises and government agencies in the form of private 5G networks. With 5G technology, application scenarios can be realised that were previously not possible with mobile communications.

5G and IT-Grundschutz

The BSI offers operators of private 5G networks templates for creating security concepts, the so-called IT-Grundschutz profiles. With the help of these profiles, organisations and companies can implement requirements for the secure operation of private 5G networks and thus achieve a high level of security.

BSI IT-Grundschutz profiles for securing private 5G networks

5G/6G Security Lab

The 5G/6G Security Lab "TEMIS" (Test Environment for Mobile Infrastructure Security) is currently being set up at the BSI site in Freital to increase the security level of mobile 5G infrastructures. The first expansion stage of the security lab has already been put into operation. With the security lab, the BSI has a typical test environment for telecommunications operators with several radio cells in its own private network. The basic system includes components for a cloud-native 5G core network as well as technology that covers both 5G and 4G functions. Extensions to the laboratory, including Open RAN technology and temporary test setups, are currently being implemented. The BSI will utilise products from various manufacturers in the future.

With the Security Lab, the BSI is pursuing the goal of continuously increasing the security level and resilience of public and private 5G networks. In the 5G/6G Security Lab, the BSI will, among other things:

  • further develop the certification basis for critical components,
  • help shape security in the standardisation of mobile communications,
  • update the specifications and guidelines for network operators in agreement with the Federal Network Agency in a practice-oriented manner,
  • co-operate closely with research and development and invite security researchers to conduct joint tests and investigations.

Also with security tests on 5G components used in public telecommunications networks, the BSI intends to increasingly address and improve the security aspects of 5G technology in the industrial sector. The 5G/6G Security Laboratory, for example, will enable funding recipients to test developed technology components in full-scale network environments.

In addition, with its own funding programme under KoPa 45, the BSI aims to strengthen Germany's innovative strength and digital sovereignty and to increase the level of security for the operation of 5G/6G infrastructures. To this end, various research and development projects are being funded.


Open-RAN (Open Radio Access Network), based on the standards of the O-RAN Alliance, contains significant security risks in its current form. This is the conclusion of a study commissioned by the BSI and published in November 2021. The Open-RAN risk analysis study was conducted by the Barkhausen Institute (headed by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Fettweis) as an independent research institute in cooperation with Advancing Individual Networks GmbH from Dresden and with the support of secunet Security Networks AG.

The study can be found at the following link: Open-RAN Risk Analysis

Preparations for the sixth generation

Scientists are already researching the 6th generation of mobile communications technology (6G). Among other things, the BSI is supporting the large-scale 6G-life project at the Technical Universities of Dresden and Munich, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and is already providing impetus for security-by-design approaches in the new 6G mobile communications standard. 6G is expected to replace 5G by around 2030.

Certification Scheme

The BSI offers a national sectoral scheme for the certification of products that implement 3GPP specifications. The certification scheme is based on the requirements of the industry GSMA and 3GPP. The aspects of secure vendor development and product lifecycle processes are considered as well as the security of the respective network products. Further information can be found here.