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IT Security Requirements and Conformity Assessment for the IT Security Label

IT Security Requirements and Conformity Assessment

Products, for which the IT Security Label shall be granted, must fulfil product category-specific IT security requirements. These products must be tested for conformity by the manufacturer itself or on behalf by a third party, e.g. a testing body of choice.

Find the current product categories, their IT security requirements and instructions for conformity assessment in the following table:

Product categoryIT security requirementsConformity assessment
Broadband router
BSI TR-03148Test specification BSI TR-03148-P
E-mail servicesBSI TR-03108Test specification BSI TR-03108-2
Smart consumer devicesETSI EN 303 645 in conjunction with ETSI TS 103 701 und BSI TR-03173Test specification ETSI TS 103 701 und BSI TR-03173
Video conferencing servicesDIN SPEC - „Basic Criteria Video Conferencing Services“ Video Conferencing Services - Technical Specification und Conformity Assessment