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Warning and Information Service (WID)

The Warning and Information Service (WID) from CERT-Bund is used to publish information about new vulnerabilities and security holes, as well as current threats to IT systems. First and foremost, CERT-Bund seeks to provide this service to the Federal Administration. For this closed user group, it issues advisories that can be subscribed to by e-mail. Along with companies operating critical infrastructure, CERTs and ordinary citizens can also access these compact warnings. The early distribution of this information is intended to help avoid security incidents or at least limit their impact.

The information the WID provides is organised in such a way that

  • current advisories,
  • current information in brief and
  • notes

are not only published directly on the WID portal, but can also be subscribed to free of charge by e-mail. The WID portal offers users the opportunity to tailor the information provided to their own particular needs. This is achieved based on self-managed customer profiles, which are cross-checked before the various messages are sent out.