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Links and Literature

Publications from the German Federal Government:

  • Nationales Krisenmanagement im Bevölkerungsschutz [National Crisis Management as Part of Civil Protection]. Series: Praxis im Bevölkerungsschutz [Civil Protection in Practice] -- Volume 1
  • BSI-Standard 100-4 - Notfallmanagement. This standard describes a systematic approach to responding appropriately and efficiently to various emergencies and restoring key business processes in short order.
  • In "COMCHECK und ALEX", the BSI has published a practical checklist for planning, preparing, conducting, and following up on communication reviews and alarm drills and exercises.
  • Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building, and Community: "System des Krisenmanagements in Deutschland" [Germany's Crisis Management System]. This brochure contains information on the basic principles of crisis management at the federal and state levels and presents the corresponding legal framework.
  • Krisenkommunikation -- Leitfaden für Behörden und Unternehmen [Crisis Communication -- A Guideline for Public Authorities and Companies]. This guideline is meant to provide orientation to employees who are responsible for taking stock of their organisation's crisis communication efforts and structures, analysing them, and making corresponding improvements.

Further literature

The following list is not exhaustive:

  • Leadership in Krisen - Ein Handbuch für die Praxis [Leadership in Crises -- A Practical Guide]. Laurent F. Carrel, NZZ libro, second edition. Zürich 2010, ISBN 978-3-03823-650-4. Praktische Erfahrungen und Hilfestellungen des ehemaligen Chefs der Schweizer Strategischen Führungsausbildung ("Generalstabsschule") [Practical Experiences and Assistance from the Former Director of Switzerland's Generalstabsschule].
  • Krisenmanagement -- Planung und Organisation von Krisenstäben [Crisis Management -- Planning and Organising Crisis Teams]. Gahlen / Kranaster, Kohlhammer Deutscher Gemeindeverlag, ISBN 978-3-555-01375-6. Behördenorientierte Grundlage für Aufbau und Organisation administrativer Stäbe [Basics of Forming and Organising Administrative Teams at Public Authorities].
  • The Business Continuity Institute (BCI): Good practice-Richtlinien für Business Continuity als Grundlage für Krisenreaktion [Guildelines for Good Practices in Ensuring Business Continuity as a Basic Element of Crisis Response]


  • Akademie für Krisenmanagement, Notfallplanung und Zivilschutz des AKNZ [Academy for Crisis Management, Emergency Planning, and Civil Protection at the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance] Through its seminar programme, this centre of competence for joint crisis management by the German Federal Government and the German states provides a knowledge-sharing forum for scientists and experts from Germany and other countries.
    Digital learning content from the Academy for Crisis Management, Emergency Planning, and Civil Protection (AKNZ)
  • Publications on the subject of protecting critical infrastructure (KRITIS) from the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK)