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National and International Collaboration

As our globalised world becomes increasingly interconnected, it will be all the more important for capable CERTs to cooperate with similar technical organisations at the national and international level. This is why CERT-Bund works closely with organisations and facilities such as those described below.

Germany's CERT-Verbund

Germany has a very well organised CERT landscape. In it, more than 30 of the country's major administration CERTS from the realms of commerce and academia at both the federal and state level have come together to form a corresponding alliance (CERT-Verbund). This provides a protected and trusted environment for exchanging information. Thanks to the personal contacts and regular meetings made possible by this alliance, the people involved have come to trust in the integrity and expertise of their colleagues. CERT-Verbund thus offers a unique setting for sharing their experiences. Meanwhile, CERT-Bund also belongs to the small group of participants that have signed a code of conduct (along with a corresponding confidentiality agreement) that facilitates even closer cooperation.

European Governmental CERT group (EGC)

The European Governmental CERT group (EGC) is an informal coalition of European CERTs in the field of public administration. Its objective is to develop effective cooperative measures for future IT security incidents that require a united response. The interests of its members, which are similar due to the commonalities in the problems they face and the structures of their target groups, represent the starting point of the EGC group's common efforts towards this goal.

To ensure that these efforts succeed, the members of the EGC group seek to engage in the following activities:

  • Developing joint measures to prevent large-scale and regional IT security incidents in networks
  • Sharing information on IT security incidents, potential threats, and vulnerabilities
  • Identifying specialised knowledge and expertise that can be passed on within the group
  • Defining topics of common interest for joint research and development efforts
  • Promoting the foundation of CERTs in public administration in European nations
  • Communicating common viewpoints to other organisations and initiatives

The current members of the EGC group are:

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)

ENISA is responsible for network and information security at the EU level. It supports the European Commission, advises the EU member states, serves as a forum in which public and private stakeholders can cooperate, and aids Europe's CERTs in expanding their capabilities. The BSI and CERT-Bund make their own contributions to ENISA's publications and events.

Trusted Introducer

TheTrusted Introducer (TI) service was initiated in Europe in the year 2000 to support better and closer collaboration among security and incident response teams.