Contact Information for CERT-Bund
Please use the following PGP-Key for sending PGP-encrypted email to CERT-Bund:
pub rsa4096/F66B5AEFF2BB915D 2024-11-15 [SC] [expires: 2026-01-31]
uid CERT-Bund 2025 <>
sub rsa4096/A2C8AA977B9E31E8 2024-11-15 [E] [expires: 2026-01-31]
Key fingerprint = BA29 5E0F B094 FDF8 DE5B 23F8 F66B 5AEF F2BB 915D
Please use the following certificates for sending S/MIME-encrypted email to CERT-Bund:
Root certificate of the administrative: PCA-1-Verwaltung-23
Validity: to 01.01.2033
Fingerprint: 2101 B6BE 7F1A F2FD B284 442B FD95 6CE2 70BC 9A9FIntermediate certificate of the IVBB CA (Berlin-Bonn Information Network): CA IVBB Deutsche Telekom AG 23
Validity: to 29.11.2029
Fingerprint: 2101 B6BE 7F1A F2FD B284 442B FD95 6CE2 70BC 9A9F- User certificate of ICS Sec:
Validity: to 15.11.2027
Fingerprint: C86C 2BD0 FE0D 10BE 0BBE 0B4E F169 5F10 3F3D C704
Email (Vulnerability reporting):
PGP (Vulnerability reporting)
Please use the following PGP-Key for sending PGP-encrypted email to CERT-Bund:
pub brainpoolP512r1 2025-01-07 [SC] [expires: 2026-01-31]
uid CERT-Bund Vulnerability (2025)
sub brainpoolP512r1 2025-01-07 [E] [expires: 2026-01-31]
Key fingerprint: F53E 4F68 FEE2 F297 6F92 64F2 B7BC 473C 354D 5DF1
CERT-Bund Vulnerability (2025) PGP Public-Key
Postal address
Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)
Section C 21 - CERT-Bund
PO box 20 03 63
53133 Bonn
Visitor address
Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)Section C 21 - CERT-Bund
Godesberger Allee 87
53175 Bonn