Navigation and service

Delivery of electronic registered mail

According to the eIDAS Regulation, an electronic registered mail service is "an electronic service, normally provided for remuneration", "which enables the transmission of data between third parties by electronic means and provides proof of the handling of the transmitted data, including proof of dispatch and receipt of the data, and which protects the transmitted data against loss, theft, damage or unauthorised modification".

In Germany, the De-Mail Act has regulated services for secure, confidential and verifiable electronic business transactions since 2011. The competent authority for these services is the BSI, whose Technical Guideline BSI TR-01201 (De-Mail) is also an essential basis for the accreditation of corresponding providers. You can read here how De-Mail service providers meet the requirements for qualified services for the delivery of electronic registered mail according to the eIDAS Regulation:

Erfüllung der Anforderungen an qualifizierte Dienste für die Zustellung elektronischer Einschreiben nach eIDAS-Verordnung durch De-Mail-Dienste