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Qualification as a trust service provider

Trust service providers that demonstrate the conformity of the (trust) services they provide with the requirements set out in the eIDAS Regulation can be awarded qualification status by the competent national supervisory body.

The competent supervisory body for trust services in the area of creation, verification and validation of certificates for website authentication in Germany is the BSI.

Trust service providers can apply to the BSI for the award of qualification status.

The following figure schematically illustrates the procedure for qualification as a trust service provider according to the eIDAS Regulation.
Procedure for qualification as a trust service provider

Ablauf des Verfahrens zur Qualifizierung als Vertrauensdiensteanbieter


To apply for the award of the qualification status for trust service providers, please use the following application form

Antrag auf Verleihung des Qualifikationsstatus für Vertrauensdiensteanbieter

Please send the completed and signed application form to:

Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Referat SZ 25
Postfach 20 03 63
53133 Bonn

Alternatively, applications can also be emailed as a PDF to:

Please send any other questions or suggestions regarding the qualification procedure to:

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