Navigation and service


The eIDAS Interoperability Framework is realised via so-called eIDAS Nodes. A distinction is made between eIDAS connectors (on the receiving member state side) and eIDAS services (on the sending member state side). The eIDAS nodes ensure the confidentiality as well as the authenticity and integrity of the transmitted personal data and the secure identification of the endpoints.

Integration scenarios

The notifying Member State can choose between the following integration scenarios:

  • Proxy-based integration: The sending Member State operates a central proxy that translates between the receiving Member State's eIDAS connector and the sending State's national eID system.
  • Middleware-based integration: the sending member state provides the other member states with middleware, which is operated by the receiving member state.
Abbildung: Integrationsszenarien im sendenden Mitgliedsstaat Integrationsszenarien im sendenden Mitgliedsstaat
Abbildung: Integrationsszenarien im sendenden Mitgliedsstaat

Receiving Member State

The receiving member state can choose between the following integration scenarios:, whereby mixed forms are also possible:

  • Centralised operation: the receiving Member State operates a central eIDAS cconnector.
  • Decentralised operation: each service operates its own eIDAS cconnector.

For the technical design of interoperability, technical spezifications were drawn up by the member states and published by the EU Commission. The BSI was actively involved in the development of the technical specification.