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The BSI for public administration

Minimum standards, electronic identities, approving IT security products: These are just some of the BSI's responsibilities in the area of public administration.

This broad spectrum spans a challenging and dynamic field. BSI experts observe and follow new trends in information security to track their effects on the secure digital administration applications available to citizens.

When it comes to the secure digital possibilities offered by Germany's electronic identity cards, for example, how can such data be stored securely on electronic chips? And how can exchanges of data with passport authorities be designed to be secure and unassailable? The BSI has been developing minimum standards and other specifications for years to safeguard the security of administrative tasks. Alongside solutions like the electronic identity card, the BSI also ensures security by approving IT products for use in sensitive environments. Furthermore, the BSI is responsible for the operational implementation of material protection for classified information.

The BSI supports increased security in public administration by offering security checks to public authorities. Using penetration tests and web audits, it makes a key contribution to the high level of security in Germany by inspecting everything from data centres to Internet applications.

The BSI also provides consulting services to federal, state and local authorities to ensure secure solutions that benefit public administrations and citizens.