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IT Forensics

IT forensics has evolved from a specialised science for investigative authorities to an important tool for professional IT system operators. Anyone who operates IT systems with today's standard requirements for confidentiality, availability and integrity is increasingly faced with the task of having to detect, analyse and resolve operational disruptions caused by malfunctions in their IT or the effects of attacks on their IT infrastructure.

BSI guideline for IT forensics

The "BSI guideline for IT forensics" is particularly aimed at IT system operators, administrators and security officers. For these target groups, it describes IT forensics as a methodical analysis of data on storage media and computer networks to clarify IT incidents.

The guide is suitable both as a guide for more in-depth familiarisation with the topic and as a reference work for individual practical problems. It describes processes and procedures clearly and in detail using different scenarios and examples from daily practice.

BSI Leitfaden IT-Forensik Version 1.0.1