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De-Mail brochure

De-Mail "Secure electronic correspondence -- simple and verifiable"

De-Mail services are set to make the legally binding and confidential transmission of electronic documents and messages much simpler than in the past. De-Mails are used in the same way as conventional e-mails, but they have some important characteristics that e-mails do not.

De-Mail will save you time and money, as you will no longer need to send printed documents by post or even deliver them by hand.
De-Mail combines the speed of e-mail with the security of a letter and the verifiability of a registered service.

These benefits are possible because De-Mail has a foundation in law and providers of De-Mail services have to meet strict requirements to achieve the necessary accreditation from the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).

We have pulled together all the key information for you in this brochure to really prepare you for the new De-Mail services.

You can find out more about the advantages of De-Mail and how it works in our consumer section.

Download the brochure: De-Mail - Sicherer und einfacher elektronischer Nachrichtenverkehr