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BSI minimum standard for interface controls

The BSI has repealed the BSI's minimum standard for interface controls with effect from 30.04.2024.


The BSI draws up minimum standards on the basis of Section 8 (1) of the BSI Act on topics that are of particular importance for the information security of the federal administration. These specific requirements applicable to the federal administration are based on special technical, legal or organizational framework conditions in the federal administration or address a particular threat situation. As the framework conditions have changed, the BSI no longer believes it is necessary to define specific regulations for the federal administration on the subject of interface control in the form of a minimum standard for normal protection requirements. The threat to IT from physical attacks via interfaces has decreased in recent years. Most attacks take place via the Internet, particularly in the form of malicious e-mails. Studies have shown that by implementing the standard IT baseline protection and a correspondingly secure configuration of current Windows/Linux operating systems, the relevant attack scenarios can be averted in practice using on-board resources.

The canceled minimum standard in version 1.3 and the corresponding reference table for IT-Grundschutz 2021 are still available in the archive.