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Material security technology

In the area of material security, undertaking technical evaluations in the form of testing and suitability assessments of products for material security is among the original purposes of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) according to Section 3 (1) No. 9 BSIG and Section 40 VSA.

The BSI evaluates the technical means and conducts suitability assessments either on the basis of an identified need in the federal administration or at the request of a department. The BSI issues an up-to-date list of suitable technical means based on the suitability assessment as a Technical Guideline.
You can find the Technical Guidelines and additional information about them in the internal section of the security consulting webpage of the BSI.

The BSI undertakes the following tasks in particular:

  • Preparing and updating specifications in the form of Technical Guidelines for the implementation of the VSA
  • Determining the suitability of products of material security technology for the protection of classified information in line with Section 40 of the VSA Hinweise zum Verfahren zur Eignungsfeststellung

    The data protection information on the suitability determination procedure is available here.

  • Tender evaluations and technical inspections for intrusion and hold-up alarm systems
  • Cooperation with national and international committees and bodies on general aspects of material protection of classified information

Please contact:

Federal agency: Federal Office for Information Security