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Consulting on protection of classified information

The statutory task of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) is to provide support and advice on organisational and technical security measures for the protection of classified information (CI) (Section 3 (1) Sent. 2 No. 9 BSIG). Primarily, the BSI advises the security officers on the scope of the VSA.

Upon request, advisory services are also provided to the intelligence services of the Federal Government and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) as part of the support provided to businesses working with classified information (Section 4 (5) Security Screening Act (SÜG)). The Military Counterintelligence Service (BAMAD) and the federal state authorities for constitutional protection (LfVs) are only also advised in exceptional cases, as it carries responsibility in the first instance.

The main basis for the BSI's protection of classified information is the "General Administrative Provision for the Material Protection of Classified Information (Classified Information Directive (VSA))". According to Section 5 (1) No. 2 the BSI advises on the implementation of the VSA and the Technical Guidelines.

Requests for advice concern the entire range of topics of material security handled by the BSI (material security and classified IT security). The "CI Fundamentals and Advice, Material Security Technology" unit is the BSI's central office in the sense of a "single point of contact" for questions relating to material security.

The BSI offers the following advisory and support services in particular:

  • Advice and support on technical, organisational and structural measures as well as on eavesdropping protection measures
  • Advice and support on CI IT
  • Examination, evaluation and preparation of release notes for the conception and operation of CI-IT Hinweise zu Freigabevoten
  • Publication of Technical Guidelines
  • Determination of suitability of products of material security technology for the protection of classified information Hinweise zum Verfahren zur Eignungsfeststellung
  • Tender and acceptance testing of technical security devices for the protection of classified information

You can find the Technical Guidelines and additional information about them in the internal section of the security consulting webpage of the BSI.


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