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The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) conducts further training on the material protection of classified information in accordance with Section 5 (1) No. 3 of the VSA. The aim of the training is to qualify the security officers and their staff, classified information registrars and the crypto administrators to fulfil their tasks (Sections 11, 61 (1) of the VSA). For this purpose, the BSI offers further training events in cooperation with the Federal Academy of Public Administration (BAköV) and supports other departments with events on the protection of classified information. In principle, the training courses are also available to the federal states. The training offer is supplemented by an annual exchange of information and experience for CI registrars and the annual conference for security officers in the federal administration. On request, topic-specific workshops and in-house training courses are held in the federal administration.

The following training courses and events are currently offered:

  • Material protection of classified information (incl. CI-IT) (Event name: IT 417)
  • Basic knowledge for CI registrars (Event name: IT 418)
  • Exchange of information and experience for CI registrars (Event name: IT 416)
  • Annual Conference of Security Officers (Event name: Special event 516)
  • In-house training courses in federal administrations
  • Topic-related workshops or those listed in the BSI's calendar of events

Further information on these training events can be found in the BSI's calendar of events or on the BAköV website at

For any questions please contact us for informatio:.


Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Referat BL 14 - Geheimschutzberatung VS-IT und Grundsatz
Postfach 200363
53133 Bonn

Erreichbarkeit für Dienststellen der öffentlichen Verwaltung: