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Eavesdropping protection

As an essential area in terms of the protection of classified information, eavesdropping protection is one of the state's official tasks. It serves to protect officially classified information at an appropriate, uniform level of protection across all authorities. The protection of the spoken word is an essential component of eavesdropping protection, along with IT security and material security of classified information.

The consequences of classified information becoming known range from disadvantages for the Federal Government or one of the federal states (VS-NfD, classified -- only for official use) to endangering the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany or vital resources (STRENG GEHEIM (TOP SECRET). Appropriate measures can be taken to minimise the risk of such information becoming known.
For example, special eavesdropping-protected areas must be sought in order to carry out classified conversations with a classification level of VS-VERTRAULICH (classified -- confidential) or higher. A combination of structural and technical protective measures, personnel security measures and regular countersurveillance checks prevents or at least significantly impedes the unauthorised eavesdropping of conversation content. The advice on the implementation of preventive measures takes place within the framework of an overall consideration of the material protection of classified information.

On the basis of Sections 42 and 48 of the VSA, the BSI carries out supplementary eavesdropping defence checks to ensure eavesdropping protection at federal authorities that are particularly at risk of eavesdropping, at industrial companies that are subject to the classified information, and on an ad hoc basis at events of high political importance.

Contact persons

Federal agencies: Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)

Businesses working with classified information: (German) Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology

Companies: The local police authorities for general enquiries. In a suspicious case, the State Offices for the Protection of the Constitution.

Private individuals: The local police authorities for general enquiries. In a suspicious case, the State Offices for the Protection of the Constitution.