Navigation and service


The eID function of a German ID card, electronic residence permit or eID card for citizens of the EU/EEA provides a secure and certain means of proving your identity online and at citizen terminals. This function also verifies the authorisation and identity of the service provider.

To use the eID function, you will need software with which you can carry out the identification process with an online service provider. This software will establish a secure, encrypted connection between your identity document and the service provider.

In AusweisApp (until November 2023 called “AusweisApp2”), the German Federal Government provides such software for the eID function free of charge. The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) reviews and certifies the security of AusweisApp on a regular basis.

Information on AusweisApp

To download AusweisApp, access detailed information on this software, supported card readers and smartphones or find ways to contact user support, please visit

AusweisApp is subject to an open-source European Union Public Licence (EUPL 1.2) and its source code is available on GitHub.

For further information on ID cards and ways to use the eID function, please visit

To try out the eID function or find out what data is stored on the security chip of your identity document, you can use the free "See my personal data" feature that is integrated into AusweisApp.

Verifying the integrity of AusweisApp

To verify that the AusweisApp file you have downloaded has not been modified, you can perform a hash value comparison. If the hash value of your downloaded file does not match the hash value indicated on this website, do not use your version of AusweisApp -- it may have been manipulated!

Please also notify the AusweisApp support team.

A short related guide and advice on using various programs to calculate hash values are available in the cyber security recommendations provided by the BSI.

Hash values for AusweisApp

AusweisApp for Windows

VersionFile nameSHA-256 hash value
AusweisApp 2.2.0AusweisApp-2.2.0.msi7358 ab3c 6356 b8a7 b17a 1298 5d28 58ef fd6a 85a5 4dd3 b38c 3ddf 70a9 282f c5b2
AusweisApp 2.1.1AusweisApp-2.1.1.msifc71 9b5f b346 701a 3c5c 93f5 1463 64dc e986 c09e 999e b3f4 76ce cf1f 3e33 2de9
AusweisApp 2.1.0AusweisApp-2.1.0.msi32e5 47f5 3bb8 00e3 0eed 952d 60d7 6e91 ab0d ce45 fdc3 97c8 d0de 35fb 73e7 75df

AusweisApp for macOS, iOS and Android

The AusweisApp versions for macOS, iOS and Android are available on the corresponding App Stores, which ensure the integrity of the installed software.