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Drills and exercises

IT crisis management is not just about making theoretical plans and organisational preparations. Such measures also need to be drilled under realistic conditions on a regular basis. This includes activities like tabletop exercises, drills within the Federal Administration, and joint exercises with partners from the UP KRITIS initiative, which promotes collaboration between the realms of government and business to protect critical infrastructure in Germany. Rather than merely handling the related preparations, the National IT Crisis Response Centre also plays an active role in these activities.

The objective of such drills and exercises is to review the mechanisms used to exchange information during extraordinary IT security incidents, along with corresponding situational awareness, the actions taken in response, and the methods used to restart operations once a given crisis is over. This can then be used as a basis for improving existing structures and continually optimising the National IT Crisis Management system.

IT emergency and crisis exercises in UP KRITIS

A corresponding working group of UP KRITIS has developed its own concept for conducting IT emergency and crisis exercises in the context of critical infrastructure. It includes theoretical basics of tabletop exercises and other drills, but also concrete specifications and resources. Procedures, communication tools and channels, and other aspects are reviewed as part of the concept.


In responding to crises or emergencies that occur and managing the situation in hand, it is absolutely essential that the corresponding points of contact be reachable for alarm and communication purposes. A number of preparatory drills and exercises have proven useful in ensuring that they are. COMCHECK and ALEX is a practical checklist for planning, preparing, conducting, and following up on communication reviews and alarm drills. It is supplemented by more detailed descriptions and resources for drills and exercises in general.

Registry of drills and exercises for the Federal Administration

For the Federal Administration, a registry of drills and exercises (including templates and further resources) is also available.