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National IT Crisis Management

Germany's federal authorities in the field of IT are primarily engaged in thwarting corresponding attacks on public-sector systems and critical infrastructure. The many different entities that need to be taken into account make this a complex task. In response to this challenge, various structures have been established to ensure communications with various target groups as part of the National IT Crisis Management system.

  • The Federal Implementation Plan (UP Bund) contains guidelines for translating the objectives of the National Plan into specific measures to be carried out by the departments and authorities of the Federal Administration. Each department is responsible for implementing these measures in the respective areas of business.
  • On 23 February 2011, the German Federal Government approved the Cyber Security Strategy for Germany. Its core elements include protecting IT systems in Germany, particularly in the field of critical infrastructure; increasing citizens' awareness of IT security; establishing a National Cyber Response Centre; and setting up a National Cyber Security Council. The strategy also calls for further measures to strengthen IT security in public administration, including by intensifying the collaboration between the German Federal Government and the German states (especially with regard to CERTs).
  • Communications with small and midsize enterprises (SMEs) and private individuals are handled through Bürger-CERT.