Navigation and service

Threat landscape

For operators of critical infrastructure, pursuant to Section 8b (4) of the BSIG, a reporting obligation applies in the event of (material) faults regarding the availability, integrity, authenticity and confidentiality of their information technology systems, components or processes which have resulted or may result in a failure or material impairment of the functionality of the critical infrastructures operated by them.

Telecommunications industry

Operators of critical infrastructure pursuant to Section 8d (3) of the BSIG are exempted from this reporting obligation provided that they operate a public telecommunications network or provide publicly accessible telecommunications services. Instead, these operators are subject to a comparable reporting obligation pursuant to Section 168 of the TKG, which states that impairments that (may) lead to considerable security breaches must be reported to the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) and the BSI. In this context, the BSI continuously processes and analyses these reports. The BNetzA is also involved in this process