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Digital Consumer Protection Report (DVS)

The "Digital Consumer Protection Report 2022" focuses on the constant threat and increasing professionalization of phishing. Guest contributions from the Consumer Advice Centre of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (Verbraucherzentrale NRW) and the Association of German Banks (Bundesverband deutscher Banken e.V.) address specific phishing threats and prevention approaches in the banking sector. Further subjects of the report include the IT security label, the establishment of the cyber security network with its digital rescue chain, and the organizational realignment of the BSI's Central Service Center. It also looks at key security incidents and risks in the digital consumer market in the 2022 reporting period and explores the question of why digital consumer protection is a joint task.

The "Digital Consumer Protection Report" is an annual publication of the BSI and provides analytical information as well as thematic workups in a complex field of action that is shaped by many stakeholders. These include the consumer group itself, the manufacturers or providers, but also government and civil society actors. This spectrum of stakeholders in digital consumer protection forms the target group for the content conveyed, not only to provide orientation with the challenges and (trend) topics outlined, but also to stimulate active exchange to increase information security in the digital consumer market.

Bericht zum Digitalen Verbraucherschutz 2022

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Further reports on digital consumer protection

Bericht zum Digitalen Verbraucherschutz 2021

Main topic: the constant threat and increasing professionalization of phishing

Bericht zum Digitalen Verbraucherschutz 2021

Bericht zum Digitalen Verbraucherschutz 2020
Main topic: Cyber security in the health sector
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The Digital Consumer Protection Report is a national contribution to the Paris Call.
