Navigation and service

Public authority number 115

We have the answers to your questions

The public authority number 115 is your first point of contact for all kinds of administrative questions.

We answer the most frequently asked questions from citizens - from A for registration to Z for admission. No matter who is responsible in the municipality, state or federal government.

The advantages of 115

With the public authority number, you no longer have to go through the time-consuming search for the relevant office, telephone numbers and opening hours.

The friendly staff at the 115 service centre can provide reliable answers to your questions quickly and competently.

How much does it cost to call the public authority number 115?

You can reach 115 at local rates. It is included in many flat rates.

Our 115 service promise to you is:

  • 115 is available Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 18.00.
  • 75 percent of 115 calls are answered within 30 seconds by a member of staff.
  • 65 percent of 115 calls are answered on first contact.
  • If not, the caller receives a response within 24 hours during service hours, by e-mail, fax or callback, as desired.

Further information on 115 is available at