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Companies: manage an incident, report, inform, prevent

I am looking for basic information to protect myself from an IT security incident

To fundamentally protect yourself as a company from an IT security incident, the BSI recommends a structured and organised approach. An information security management system (ISMS) is a good way to do this. With IT-Grundschutz, the BSI offers a proven procedure for the successful implementation of an ISMS. With different IT baseline protection profiles and a route planner, we have also adapted the necessary steps to companies in different sectors and of different sizes and lowered the barriers to entry.

As a participant in the Alliance for Cyber Security e, you also have access to numerous information papers provided by the BSI or other Alliance participants.

Information on selected topics such as protection against DDoS, Emotet, Advanced Persistant Threats (APT), etc., as well as useful tips can be found, for example, on the BSI's topic pages. We would like to recommend, among others, the Basismaßnahmen der Cyber-Sicherheit v2.0 or Management von Schwachstellen und Sicherheitsupdates - Empfehlungen für kleine Unternehmen und Selbstständige v2.0

Awareness for employees

Remember that your employees need to be made aware of IT security threats. Follow these tips to do so: