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I have a security incident. What should I do?

If you notice or even suspect an IT security incident, the following steps can help you to fix it or at least limit the damage.

  1. First, you should stop all activities on the affected system. In particular, do not enter any important information, such as bank details or passwords.
  2. In the next step, you should try to clean up the infection. Use your smartphone or another PC to find out what you need to know. We provide information on cleaning up PCs, smartphones and other devices on our consumer pages. If you have concerns, you should reset the device to the factory settings and re-install its programs. Have the backups that you should carry out regularly available for this. In some circumstances, you may need to contact a service provider in your area for help.
  3. Finally, you should also check the other devices in your network. In some cases, malware can copy itself and thus also infect your other IT [More about malware:].

If you receive a message from your provider about a possible malware infection on your Internet connection, you should take it seriously and take the necessary steps. In most cases, active malware is then hidden on a device that was used via this Internet connection. In addition to your PC, this can also be a smartphone, a smart TV or other Internet of Things devices. We explain how these notifications occur here.

  • If you have been able to clean up an active malware infection, you should also keep a close eye on your bank statements and online accounts.
    Make sure you change the passwords to your most important online accounts.
    Be sure you only do this after a successful infection clean-up.
  • If you or your family have been affected by identity theft, you can find help here.
  • If you or your family have been victims of cyberbullying, you can find helpful advice and contact addresses here at klicksafe.
  • We have compiled an overview of the most common risks when dealing with information technology and the Internet.
  • The BSI’s main advice is that you to report any criminal offence to the police.