Navigation and service

Directorate-General DI -- Security in digitalisation and for electronic identities -- cyber security in digitalisation and for electronic identities

Section DI 1 -- Cyber security for electronic identities (eID)

Section DI 1 works on designing the technical implementations of solutions for secure electronic identities. The focus of this work is on the public sector, the digital administration and federal digitalisation projects. eID technologies are evaluated, technical requirements for eID solutions organised, and support and assistance provided for the setup and operation of eID infrastructure for the control unit, (federal) administration and the digital infrastructure to be managed by the state.

Section DI 2 -- Cyber security in digitalisation

Section DI 2 -- plans and designs the cyber security for the German government's digitalisation projects Current points of focus include the digitalisation of the energy sector, smart home and smart cities, intelligent transport systems, Industry 4.0, healthcare and finance, and smart borders.